wordpress speed optimization

WordPress speed optimization 2022

by Expert of Tech

What is speed optimization?

WordPress speed optimization is a term of page speed to run firstly. So I say more detail then it’s like how quickly download assets from the server. Because, a website contains media, CSS, JS, and other development files. so if you make your website faster then speed optimization is an important thing for users.

Speed optimization is an important thing to gain a 100% success rate for any type of website. Wp rocket is the best plugin I have ever seen. You can archive grade A using wp rocket. In this article, I will show you have to archive grade A. So, let’s get started.

Dashboard for WordPress speed optimization in wp rocket

WordPress speed dsahboard


WordPress speed optimization 2022

Enable cache also for mobile device. There is another option to enable cache for logged in user. You should enable it becasue you have cache when logged.

File optimation

WordPress speed file optimation
WordPress speed file

Check the below option for WordPress speed optimization 2022:

  • Minify CSS optimization
  • Combine CSS files
  • Minify JavaScript file
  • Load javascript diferred
  • And most important option to delay javascript execution.
  • You can check other options
  • You can uncheck other options if it destroy website design.

Media for WordPress speed optimization in wp rocket

WordPress speed optimization 2022

Enable lazy load for images and enable lazy load for iframe and video.


WordPress speed

Check to preload like attached.


After that, if you test speed and it will show GRADE A. These are the better tricks for WordPress speed optimization 2022. WP Rocket is the paid plugin. But we will help you to give it or purchase from their website. So, if you face any difficulties so feel free to contact with one of our experts. To learn more best wordpress theme click here.