the plugin does not have a valid header error.

The plugin does not have a valid header

by Expert of Tech

In this article, I will show you how to fix the plugin does not have a valid header error. sometimes you may face an error when installing a plugin into your WordPress site.

Solution of “the plugin does not have a valid header”

Firstly, check the plugin header into the plugin folder. There is an introduction in the plugin folders like plugin name, plugin author and etc.

Then If they are correct then debug the website by enabling debug option into config.php.

Copy and paste the below code into config.php on the root folder of the WordPress installation directory. After that, visit the website and find out the error from where it comes. so you will get a idea about the error file and name.

define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );

Most importantly, you will see the error at /wp-admin/includes/plugin.php file most of the time. if comes it then doesn’t worry because the solution is super easy.

Just comment out the followed function from where comes the error. Then save the file and reload the website. Now try to upload and activate the plugin again. I hope the problem is fixed.

In conclusion, That’s all about the plugin does not have a valid header error. But, if you face any difficulties, feel free to contact one of our experts or email me. I will respond ASAP. To learn more about WordPress speed optimization, click here.