difference between web design and development

what is the difference between design and development

by Expert of Tech

What is the difference between design and development: The main difference is static and dynamic between them. So, let’s learn more. When you are thinking to create a website, it’s normal to arrive at this question about the difference between design and development. To jump to the main topic we should know what is web design and development.

Web Design

  • Web design is a static web page
  • It can be responsive using CSS and Javascript
  • Creating the look and feel of the website like UX and UI
  • Designing a creative layout to achive the client’s demand
  • Focuse on the end UI and UX
  • Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Web Development

  • Solving complex functionality to the website at font end and backend
  • Creating interactive features work dynamically
  • Using server side programming lanugae like php, asp.net, javascript
  • For example: form submit and show data dynamically.

A step to more clearify about difference between design and development

  • Informations collecting and planning.
  • Web Design
  • Web development
  • Tesing and publishing.


The difference between design and development appears no shock that planning websites may be a bit complex assignment. What you can not have realized is that it’s also a multi-stage process, required at least two different sets of skills.

Whether you’re looking to have an online site built or considering doing so yourself, understanding the qualification between web plan and advancement will come in exceptionally convenient. Fair keep in mind that there’s the bounty of cover included, and a few individuals do both. In expansion, the two must work together easily in the event that an alluring, highly functional location is the conclusion objective. To hire an expert web designer and developer you can contact us or directly purchase our gig from PeoplePerHour by clicking here.