wp_get_attachment_image is a WordPress fuction that used to view image in temeplate. There are four paramater of the function.
Source: (developer.wordpress.org)
Get an HTML img element representing an image attachment.
Source: (support.advancedcustomfields.com)
I am trying to use wp_get_attachment_image with a custom taxonomy and ACF but I cannot get it to work. Below is the code I am using and I cannot figure out what is wrong with it. $attachment_id is pulling in the full path to the image url but the idea is to get the image […]
Source: (wordpress.stackexchange.com)
How can I replace wp_get_attachment_image() function without changing the core files. The function doesnt have an action hook or a filter hook. What I am trying to achieve: for lazyload plugin o…
Source: (stackoverflow.com)
It is a bug? wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id, ‘post-thumb-size-small’); Same code, called in template, and in AJAX call returns same image SRC, but different image width and height. dump…
Source: (wordpress.stackexchange.com)
I am trying to make a widget which takes post id as input from user and displays images of the specified post in sidebar. wp_get_attachment_url() gets me the url but in the next line
Source: (support.advancedcustomfields.com)
I’ve found others using the following code for displaying a random gallery image (and it works): But I’m trying to do it with wp_get_attachment_image() (for responsive images) but not sure […]
Source: (wordpress.stackexchange.com)
I am having some issue removing the width and height from my attachment images when using wp_get_attachment_image. This is what I am using to display the image
Source: (advancedcustomfields.com)
Description The Image field allows an image to be uploaded and selected by using the native WordPress media modal. Screenshots The Image field interface
Source: (wordpress.stackexchange.com)
I really hope this is a facepalm moment, b/c i’m getting frustrated with this. Making a quick loop to show certain attachment images. lifted it almost straight from the codex but
Source: (fix-css.com)
Stop lazy loading in WordPress 5.5 for a specific image added via wp_get_attachment_imageContinue reading –
Source: (wordpress.stackexchange.com)
I’m using ACF to output images in an image carousel called Flickity. Flickity supports image srcset with lazy loading. Here’s my basic ACF markup which uses wp_get_attachment_image:
Source: (wordpress.org)
Support >> Plugin: Perfect Images (Retina, Thumbnails, Replace & CDN) >> Using Plugin within Themes (wp_get_attachment_image or the_post_thumbnail) Using Plugin within Themes (wp_get_…
Source: (wordpress.stackexchange.com)
I’m trying to use SVG image with wp_get_attachment_image() but it is generating very weird output at the front end of the website. To support SVG file type I’ve first added the following function …
Source: (wordpress.stackexchange.com)
I can get the image to appear fine in this bit of gallery code. However the flex slider gets its caption from a
tag (class=”flex-caption”) and I just need to echo out the image title inside
Source: (core.trac.wordpress.org)
Source: (inthedigital.co.uk)
Sometimes it’s nice to have all the goodies wrapped up in a nice little function, such as wp_get_attachment_image(). This is a great function that generates the entire html for an image tag, including srcset and sizes. However, wouldn’t it be great if sometimes we could get all the goodness from this wonderful function, but just […]