How to Easily Add Order Item Meta in Woocommerce

by Expert of Tech

If you add the order item meta in woocommerce, it will add a small input field for each ordered product. This can be used to add things like shipping information and any other data that the customer may need for this specific purchase. It also makes it easier to fill out return forms if necessary….

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Building Child Themes: Get_template_part Functions

by Expert of Tech

What is a template? The get_template_part function is a powerful tool for child themes to override templates in the parent theme. It provides an easy way to get around limitations on template hierarchy and get sections of code that are reused throughout your theme. Child themes can overload get_template_part functions with their own content, which…

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How to use wp_enqueue_style in WordPress template.

by Expert of Tech

In this article, we will discuss how to properly use wp_enqueue_style in the latest version of WordPress template files. Many WordPress plugin and theme developers use wp_enqueue_style function to register stylesheets with wp_head hook. Once you know how to wp_enqueue_style, it is quite easy to do in your theme or in plugins. WordPress loads stylesheets…

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by Expert of Tech

wp_get_attachment_image is a WordPress fuction that used to view image in temeplate. There are four paramater of the function. wp_get_attachment_image() Source: ( Get an HTML img element representing an image attachment. Outline: wp_get_attachment_image( int $attachment_id, string|int[] $size = ‘thumbnail’, bool $icon = false, string|array $attr = ” ) Using wp_get_attachment_image with ACF on Custom Taxonomy –…

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Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

by Expert of Tech

Quick fix: the plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error. In this article, we will discuss why it happening and how to solve it. Why happening the “plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.” issue. Wrong coding Compatibility issue with the current version of WordPress Compatibility issue…

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The email could not be sent. possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function.

by Expert of Tech

There are some solutions to fix the “The email could not be sent. possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function.” error in wordpress. Let’s solve it step by step.  Solution 1: Use a WordPress plugin if you have dashboard access.  Install and activate the “WP Mail SMTP by WPForms” plugin. You can download…

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